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0 Research centers
0 Companies
  • Mission

    WATERSET is a Working Group of Water Europe consortium. The main scope WG is to improve R&D activities on innovative sensors and explore all future applications and goal that new smart meters can offer to water utilities also developing tools, best practice, software and devices. WATERSET WG aims to identify future trend in the sector contributing to enhance water services and solve water-related global challenges according to Water Europe (WE) Vision. In the era of smart cities, monitoring water is a crucial topic. There is a growing demand for cost-effective solutions to control key parameters for our everyday life (e.g. drinkable water), for the environment control (e.g. climate change) or for sustaining/developing economies, which depend on water (e.g. water utility, aquaculture, blue economy, etc). Smart meters and innovative management tools represent a need for R&D in identify novel solutions able to face the socio-economic challenges of water use and management, improve water distribution and water quality and optimize water cycle processes according to various stakeholders’ operational needs.

  • Objectives and Activities

    Promote the development of tools and software for innovative smart water network management to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy. Accelerate improvement, industrialization and dissemination of sensors technologies to measure water quality and quantity in order to facilitate smart water networks implementation and the achievement of the WE Vision for a Water Smart Society. Combine companies and water utilities needs on water data monitoring through smart sensors to improve network management, water quality, water saving, water-nexus, user safety and users’ awareness. Promote smart metering and data collection at water district, household and end-use leve. Identify future trends on sensors and on water network management and disseminate them among water utilities, companies and citizens.

  • R&D

    The R&D activities of WATERSET are focused on research and development of innovative smart sensors and tools analyzing the new possibilities offered by the implementation of real time and on-line measurements in water resources both in terms of network management and user safety using smart platform to collect and manage data from sensors in an early warning system based on cloud technologies. Water smart sensors and innovative management tools have a key role in a water-smart society. According to WE objective, the WATERSET WG will enable the collaboration between different stakeholders to identify up to date challenges related to water quality and quantity issue. This activity can facilitate cooperation between universities, research centres, water utilities and companies to test new solutions/products identifying RTD projects that can contribute to empower water sector. Furthermore, water monitoring and smart sensors based technologies contribute to identify water conservation strategies and manage water quality, according to WE Vision that aims to avoid water scarcity and pollution of water.