Ctrl+Swan side meeting on Best Available Technology (BAT) for Smart Water Network on 9.02.2016 in Leeuwarden

During the EIP Water Conference 2016 on 9 February 2016 in Leewarden EIP Water Action Group CTRL+SWAN (Cloud Technologies & ReaL time monitoring + Smart WAter Network) organized an open meeting on Best Available Technology for water. The meeting aimed to briefly present technology able to trasform the traditional Water Distribution Systems (WDSs) in modern Smart WAter Networks (SWANs). New smart sensors (RT and OMS), Innovative software for water network partitioning and protection, Advanced cloud platform to manage big data control was presented. The meeting included a networking session that offers participants the opportunity to meet company, research center, water utility and university to identify potential collaboration. Some presentations can be downloded below:

Introduction to Ctrl+Swan activities

SWANP Software: Smart WAter Network Partitioning and Protection

Best Available Technologies for real time water quality monitoring of chemical parameters

The ICT4WATER cluster and related activities