Xavier Domingo Albin

Xavier Domingo Albin

About 15 years of professional experience including research in a technology center, product development and team management in private companies, and teaching in University. These multidisciplinar experience allows a better understanding of each sector and domain, being able to adapt on each situation and context.

The research experience includes proposal writing to EU funded projects calls (H2020, FP7…), but also to national and regional level, skills to technically coordinate and develop projects, and technical justification writing.

The private experience is mainly focused on software product development usually supported by hardware devices. Skills in team and project management, software engineering and development, and software products lifecycle, including several agile development methodologies (SCRUM, KANBAN…) and development platforms (Java, .NET, iOS, Android…).

The teaching experience is mainly focused on courses in Computer Science University studies related to programming languages, software engineering and databases.

Very involved with corporative strategies, and with sorrounding people and projects. Always trying to find new oportunities and win-win collaborations. Flexible, empathetic, enthusiastic, regular and hard-working, used to deal with complex scenarios.

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