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  • Member of Advisory Board in a H2020 proposal

We accepted the invitation to the advisory board for a H2020 proposal Quality and Quantity integrated monitoring and control of urban WasteWater Systems (Q2WWS), a H2020 proposal coordinated by EURECAT (BDIGITAL) and presented within the “Water Innovation: Boosting its value for Europe” call, Water-1b-2015 topic.

  • Stakeholder for the evaluation of the Drinking Water Directive

We partecipated to a stakeholder consultation meeting on the evolution of the Drinking Water Directive in Bruxelles on 26 May 2015.

  • Member of Advisory Board in a EU Work Programme topic “Call EO2-2-2015″ with the proposal “EFLOWS”

We accepted the invitation to the advisory board of the EFLOWS project “European Federated Land Oriented platform for Water Space services, a Space Hydrology and Land virtual research environment” for the EU Work Programme topic “Call EO2-2-2015: Stimulating wider research use of Copernicus Sentinel Data” submitted from the Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS).

  • Submitted Full Paper to IAHR 2015

We submitted a full paper to IAHR 2015, it can represent a good synthesis of AG activities. Moreover, the paper allows to show the Action Group to international scientific and technical community and to improve the knowledge exchange of the activities of each partners.