Michele Di Natale

Full Professor

Michele Di Natale is full professor of Hydraulic Construction at the Dept. of Civil Engineering of the Second University of Naples (SUN). At present he holds office of Dean. Scientifically he studies different arguments related to environmental andtechnical problems of the Water in Nature (Hydraulic, Hydrology, Maritime and Hydraulic Structures, Management of water system, etc.). He is the author of about one hundred and forty scientific publications on national and international journals and proceedings of congresses and also is scientific coordinator of many research projects . Furthermore he has developed remarkable professional experiences in national and international consulting firm taking part to important hydraulic engineering projects. Education – Graduated in Civil Engineering at the University of Naples “Federico II” with full marks. – Master in Sanitary Engineering at the Specialization School of the University of Naples “Federico II”. Academic career – Researcher at University of Basilicata – Associate Professor at Polytechnic of Torino – Full Professor at Second University of Naples Managerial academic positions – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the Second University of Naples . – Manager of the Interdepartment Research Centre for Environment Engineering (CIRIAM) of the Second University of Naples – Chairman of the Degree Course Council in Environment and Territory Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the Second University of Naples – Member of the teaching staff of the course of doctorate in Science and Sea Engineering (association of the Univeristy of Naples “Federico II”, Geomare CNR Institute, the Univeristy of Naples “Parthenope”, the Zoological Station “A. Dohrn”, Second University of Naples ). Partecipation in national and international scientific organization – Fellow ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers). – Member I.A.H.R. (International Association for Hydraulic Research). – Member A.I.O.M. (Associazione di Ingegneria Offshore e Marine). – Member of the Hydrotechnic Italian Association. – Member of the Scientific Council of the University Association Science of the Sea CO.NI.SMA. Research activities Main research themes: – Design and management of the integrated water systems. – Phenomena of dispersion and diffusion of pollutants in marine and fluvial field. – 2D and 3D numerical models for the study of the coastal motion field. – Variable motion processes in permeable media. – Sea waves action on emersed and submerged marittime structures . – Modelling of inchoerent seabed subjected to gravity waves and currents actions. Authors of more of about one hundred and sexty scientific publications on national and international journals and proceedings of congresses. Research projects – Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project“DIMODI” (Dispositivo Mobile per il Desorbimento di Idrocarburi) financed by the European funds 2007/2013; – Scientific Coordinator of the International Research Project, with European Union funds 2006 (Interregional Programme III B Medocc asse 4 measure 4) and of the Ministry of Transport and Facilities, called “HydraNet – Réseau Durable d’Aménagement des Ressources Hydrauliques” (Water Resources Management System) – Scientific Coordinator of the National Research Project with title: “Transport and dispersion of reactive pollutants in the interaction phenomena between the superficial waters and the superficial groundwater” (2003). – Scientific Coordinator of the National Research Project with title: “Efficiency and vulnerability of the flexible structures for the protection of the floodplain” (2002). – Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project financed by the European Union with POP funds 1999, with title “Traditional and innovative technical solutions for naturalistic engineering applied for the hydraulic protection of the territory”. – Scientific Collaborator in the European Research Project ALICE “Techniques of visualization of the motion fields by PIV systems”, as user group first member (partners: ACRO – “Agence de Consultation et Recherche Océanographique (FR), VUB – “Vrije Universiteit Brussel”, DIFRES – Department of Coastal and Marine Research, Denmark, ENEL Pisa Research, Zoological Station “A. Dohrn”, Naples). – Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project P.O.ST.FLU (Design of prototypal structure for coastal fluid dynamics and geo fluid dynamics studies),1998 (partners: Naval University Institute, Environment Hydraulic Engineering Department of the University of Naples “Federico II”, Zoological Station “A. Dohrn”, C.N.R. “IAMC” Research Institute) – Scientific Collaborator in the European Research Project MAST III “Marine advanced science and technology – probabilistic design tools of vertical breakwaters” (partners: University of Sheffield, University of Edimburg, University of Hannover, University of Belfast, University of Naples “Federico II”, Second University of Naples, University of Bologna and University of Rome III). – Scientific Coordinator of the National Research Project with title: “Transport and dispersion of reactive pollutants in the interaction phenomena between the superficial waters and the superficial groundwater” (2003). – Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project of national interest responsible of the research project M.U.R.S.T. financed by the European Union, with POP funds 1997, with title: “An integrated system for the study of the coastal pollution processes near the fluvial mouth” – Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project of national interest with title: “Numerical simulation of currents in the surf-zone finalized to the estimation of the hydraulic risk connected to the dynamics of the thin beaches” (1996, Italian Ministry of the University); – Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project of national interest with title: “Mathematical model for the study of the shore dynamics connected to the interaction with incoherent seabed”(1996, Italian Ministry of the University. Didactic activities – Responsible of “Hydraulic Construction” at the Second University of Naples II, Faculty of Engineering, in the Degree Courses of Civil and Environmental Engineering. – Official professor of “Hydraulic Land Protection ” at Second the University of Naples, Faculty of Engineering, in the Degree Courses of Civil and Environmental Engineering. – Official professor “Maritime Constructions” at the Second University of Naples, Faculty of Engineering, in the Degree Courses of Civil and Environmental Engineering. – Official professor “Hydrology” at the Polytechnic of Torino in the Degree Courses of Civil Engineering . – Official professor of “Maritime Constructions” at the Polytechnic of Torino in the Degree Courses of Civil Engineering . – Teacher of the Specialization School for the achieving of the Master in Environmental Engineering organized by the COREP Association of Torino. – didactic activities with seminar in the ambit of the teaching of the Degree Courses of Civil Engineering at the University of Naples and at the University of Basilicata.

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