Wenyan Wu

Wenyan Wu
Professor Wenyan Wu has a multi-disciplinary research and teaching experience in Design Technologies, Computing and Engineering. I am a Professor in Digital design and Technology at Staffordshire University. My research expertise and interests are in intelligent monitoring, modelling, optimization in urban water infrastructure, sensing and sensor network, energy harvesting, ICT for water resource management, simulation and data visualisation. I have been awarded research funding as PI for 11 projects and as co-I for 1 project from the UK and EU funding bodies and industries and China over the years. The research funding has been awarded from EPSRC research council, FP7 European research Council, European next generation infrastructure foundation (NGI), Technology Strategy board (TSB), UK, Royal Society and Natural Science foundation of China (NSFC), industries.the water related project is listed below 1. FP7-ICT-2011-8, WatERP (EC318603)— Water Enhanced Resource Planning “Where water supply meets demand”, WP leader, Principle Investigator(PI), 2012- 2015 2. FP7 –Marie Curie IRSES –SmartWater(EC318985)-Smart sensor network with energy harvesting for real time monitoring in the urban water infrastructure, as coordinator and Principle Investigator(PI), 2012 – 2015 3. Smart sensor and sensor network for monitoring and assessment of water infrastructure European Next Generation Infrastructure Foundation grant 2008-2012(05.11.USB) Principal Investigator (PI) and Project Leader 4. EPSRC grant (EP/P500494/1) Camera tracking in virtual studio production using retro-reflective material from 2005-2009. principal investigator (PI) 5. Securing urban water infrastructure through optimising current monitoring systems and models using new information and computing technology, joint sponsored by Royal society and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(50478025) 2005-2007 PI 6. Assessing and securing urban water infrastructure using Augment/Virtual reality, China-UK Science Networking grant, Royal Society grant, 2005-2008 , PI 7. Water quality research in water distribution system, , National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(59678018 ) 1997-1999 PI 8. City Underground Pipe Network comprehensive Information Management Systems, granted by local government, 1996, including water, sewerage, heating, communication cable etc. – network information system, PI 9. Water quality modelling in drinking water system – case study, granted by Shenyang Water supply company, China, 1996, PI

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