In this section the publications – born after 2013 from the collaboration of some members of the Action Group on the topic of CTRL+Smart WAter Network – are reported.


  • A. Di Nardo, V.H. Alcocer-Yamanaka, C. Altucci, R. Battaglia, R. Bernini, S. Bodini, I. Bortone, V.J. Bourguett-Ortiz, A. Cammissa, S. Capasso, F. Cascetta, M. Cocco, M. D’acunto, B. Della Ventura, F. De Martino, A. Di Mauro, M. Di Natale, M. Doveri, B. El Mansouri, R. Funari, F. Gesuele, R. Greco, P. Iovino, R. Koenig, T. Korakis, C.S. Laspidou, L. Lupi, M. Maietta, D. Musmarra, O. Paleari, G.F. Santonastaso, D. Savic, A. Scozzari, F. Soldovieri, F. Smorra, F.P. Tuccinardi, V.G. Tzatchkov, L.S. Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, R. Velotta, S. Venticinque, B. Vetrano (2015). New Perspectives for Smart Water Network monitoring, partitioning and protection with innovative On-line Measuring Sensors, Proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress Deltas of the Future and what Happens Upstream The Hague, 28 June- 3 July, 2015, Editor: Arthur Mynett, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research -IAHR- Pa Bajo Virgen del Puerto, 3 28005 Madrid, Spain, ISBN: 978-90-824846-0-1.
  • A. Di Nardo, G.F. Santonastaso, R. Battaglia, D. Musmarra, F.P. Tuccinardi, F. Castaldo, B. Della Ventura, M. Iervolino, R. Velotta (2015). Smart identification system of surface water contamination by an innovative biosensor network, Proceedings of Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) and to the SECOTOX Conference, Myconos, 14 June – 18 June 2015.
  • A. Di Nardo, M. Di Natale, C. Giudicianni, G.F. Santonastaso, V. Tzatchkov, J.M. Rodriguez Varela, V.H., Alcocer Yamanaka (20169) Water Supply Network Partitioning Based on Simultaneous Cost and Energy Optimization. Procedia Engineering 11/2016; 162:238-245, DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.048.
  • A. Di Nardo, M. Di Natale, D. Musmarra, G.F. Santonastaso, V. Tzatchkov, V.H. Alcocer-Yamanaka (2014). Dual-use value of network partitioning for water system management and protection from malicious contamination. Journal of Hydroinformatics 12/2014; 17(3)., DOI:10.2166/hydro.2014.014.
  • A. Di Nardo, M. Di Natale, D. Musmarra, G.F. Santonastaso, V. Tzatchkov, V.H. Alcocer-Yamanaka (2014): A District Sectorization for Water Network Protection from Intentional Contamination. Procedia Engineering 04/2014; 70:515-524., DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.02.057.
  • A. Di Nardo, M. Di Natale, G.F. Santonastaso, V. Tzatchkov, V.H. Alcocer-Yamanaka (2013). Water Network Sectorization based on genetic algorithm and minimum dissipated power paths. Water Science & Technology Water Supply 10/2013; 13(4):951-957., DOI:10.2166/ws.2013.059.
  • A. Di Nardo, M. Di Natale, C. Giudicianni, G.F. Santonastaso, J.M. Rodriguez Varela, V. Tzatchkov (2017). Economic and energy criteria for district meter areas design of water distribution networksWater 9(463):1-13 · June 2017
  • A. Di Nardo, M. Di Natale, C. Giudicianni, D. Musmarra, J.M. Rodriguez Varela, G.F. Santonastaso, A. Simone, V. Tzatchkov (2017), Redundancy Features of Water Distribution Systems, Procedia Engineering, 86 412 – 419.
  • A. Di Nardo, M. Di Natale, C. Giudicianni, C. Laspidou, F. Morlando, G.F. Santonastaso, D. Kofinas (2017), Spectral analysis and topological and energy metrics for water network partitioning of Skiathos island, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of EWRA ‘Panta Rhei’, 5-9 July 2017. 2017 European Water Resources Association.